
Announcement of Results of the Bondholders’ Meetings

Announcement of Results of the Bondholders’ Meetings


On February 22, 2019, the Argentine Republic held bondholders’ meetings for each of the Republic of Argentina’s Japanese Yen Bonds Fourth Series (1996), Fifth Series (1999), Sixth Series (2000) and Seventh Series (2000) (the “Bondholders’ Meetings”). In each of the Bondholders’ Meetings, the attendees (including bondholders who attended by proxy) considered and voted on the applicable proposed resolution, resulting in the approval of such resolutions. Please see the link to the relevant public notice set forth below in connection with the resolutions that the bondholders approved in each of the Bondholders’ Meetings:



The details of the results of the voting are as follows:

  • The Republic of Argentina Japanese Yen Bonds - Fourth Series (1996)


Total numbers of the votes held by Bondholders present (including bondholders who attended by proxy) as well as those who voted in writing


Total numbers of the votes held by Bondholders who voted in favor of the proposal


Total numbers of the votes held by Bondholders who rejected the proposal  


Total numbers of the votes held by Bondholders who did not exercise their right to vote for the proposal or who failed to follow the proper voting procedure



  • The Republic of Argentina Japanese Yen Bonds - Fifth Series (1999)

Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders present (including bondholders who attended by proxy) as well as those who voted in writing.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who voted in favor of the proposal.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who rejected the proposal.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who did not exercise their right to vote for the proposal or who failed to follow the proper voting procedure.



  • The Republic of Argentina Japanese Yen Bonds - Sixth Series (2000)

Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders present (including bondholders who attended by proxy) as well as those who voted in writing.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who voted in favor of the proposal.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who rejected the proposal.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who did not exercise their right to vote for the proposal or who failed to follow the proper voting procedure.



  • The Republic of Argentina Japanese Yen Bonds - Seventh Series (2000)

Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders present (including bondholders who attended by proxy) as well as those who voted in writing.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who voted in favor of the proposal.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who rejected the proposal.


Total principal amount of the Bonds held by Bondholders who did not exercise their right to vote for the proposal or who failed to follow the proper voting procedure.





Updated date: 25/02/2019