General Outlook
- The Economy of 2017 (Ministry of the Treasury) (pdf, 309KB)
- The Argentine Economy (Secretary of Economic Policy and Development Planning) (pdf)
- Argentina: Global perspectives (Secretary of Industry) (pdf)
- Presentation by Minister of Finance, Luis Caputo, at the Japan-Argentina Economic Forum (May 2017) (pdf)
- Argentina: Strategic Trade Agenda (Secretary of Commerce) (pdf)
- Argentina Investment and Trade Promotion Agency - Agency & Opportunities Overview (pdf)
- “Argentina is an Investment Opportunity”, Presentation by the Executive Vice-President of the Argentina Investment and Trade Promotion Agency, Rodolfo Villalba, at the workshop on Investment Opportunities in Argentina’s Automotive Industry (May 2017) (pdf)
- Invest Argentina (link)
- Doing Business in Argentina – An Investor´s Guide (pdf, 1.64MB)
- Selected Investment Opportunities (pdf, 14.88MB)
- Selected Investment Opportunities (Japanese Version) (pdf, 7.88MB)
- Investment Map (link)
- Investment Monitoring (link)
Public Private Partnership
- Outlook* (link)
- “Argentina-Japan: A New Horizon in the Bilateral Ago-Industrial Relationship”, Presentation by the Minister of Agroindustry, Ricardo Buyaile, at the Japan-Argentina Economic Forum (May 2017) (pdf)
Building and Real Estate
- Outlook* (link)
Financial Services
- Outlook* (link)
Oil and Gas
- Outlook* (link)
- YPF Investors Kit (link)
- ICEP – Argentina Seminar
- Presentations (pdf: ICEP 1) (pdf: ICEP 2)
- Presentations (pdf: ICEP 1) (pdf: ICEP 2)
Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology Industry
- Outlook* (link)
Power Generation and Renewable Energies
- Outlook* (link)
- “The Beginning of the Transformation”, Presentation by the Minister of Energy and Mining Juan José Aranguren, at the Japan-Argentina Economic Forum (May 2017) (pdf)
- CAMMESA (Wholesale Electricity Market Administration Company) (link)
- RenovAr Program – Round 1
Public Works and Infrastructure
- Outlook* (link)
- National Water Plan
- Outlook* (link)
- Outlook* (link)
Transport and logistics
- Outlook* (link)
- Express Rail Network (RER): (link)
- Presentation by Minister of Transport, Guillermo Dietrich, at the Japan-Argentina Economic Forum (May 2017) (pdf)
- Tender Search (link)
- National Transport Plan (pdf, 2.30MB)
- Railway Tenders (link)
- Roads and Highways Tenders (link)
- Tenders 2017 (pdf)
- Posadas Port Comprehensive Concession
* Please refer to Invest -Sectors.
Plan Belgrano (promotion of economic growth in northern Argentina)
- Outlook (pdf)
Investment Promotion Events
- "Argentina and Japan: A Strategic Partnership" Seminar. Tokyo, 7 November 2017
- Presentations
- Presentation by Ambassador Alan Beraud (pdf)
- Presentations
- Japan - Argentina Economic Forum. Tokyo, 19 May 2017. (President Mauricio Macri – Visit to Japan)
- Presentations
- Presentation by Minister of Finance, Luis Caputo (pdf)
- “Argentina-Japan: A New Horizon in the Bilateral Ago-Industrial Relationship”, Presentation by the Minister of Agroindustry, Ricardo Buyaile (pdf)
- Presentation by Minister of Transport, Guillermo Dietrich (pdf)
- “The Beginning of the Transformation”, Presentation by the Minister of Energy and Mining, Juan José Aranguren (pdf)
- Presentations
- Workshop - Investment Opportunities in Argentina’s Automotive Industry. Tokyo, 19 May 2017
- Presentations
- ICEP Argentina Seminar. Tokyo, 17 May 2017. Presentations (pdf: ICEP 1) (pdf: ICEP 2)
- VI International Seminar of Lithium in South America, 6-8 June 2017 (link)
- Argentina Japan Economic Forum, Buenos Aires, 21 November 2016 (PM Shinzo Abe - Visit to Argentina) (link)
- Japan- LAC Business Forum. Tokyo, 1 - 2 November 2016 (link)
- Argentina Business & Investment Forum 2016. Buenos Aires, 12 - 15 September 2016 (link)
- Argentina Seminar: Transport Infrastructure Development and Investment Opportunities. Tokyo, 29 September 2016 (Ministry of Transport Guillermo Dietrich - Visit to Japan)
- Japan-Argentina Economic Forum. Tokyo, 12 May 2016 (Vicepresident Gabriela Michetti – Visit to Japan)
- News releases
- Documents
- The Argentine Economy (Secretary of Economic Policy and Development Planning) (pdf)
- Argentina: Global perspectives (Secretary of Industry) (pdf)
- Argentina: Strategic Trade Agenda (Secretary of Commerce) (pdf)
- Argentina Investment and Trade Promotion Agency - Agency & Opportunities Overview (pdf)
- Argentina Mining. The best is yet to come (Secretary of Mining) (pdf)
Agencies and Institutions
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship / Undersecretariat for Trade Promotion and Investment Development (link)
- Argentina Investment and Trade Promotion Agency (link)
- Embassy of Japan in Argentina (link)
- Japan Bank for International Cooperation – JBIC (link)
- Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry – JCCI (link)
- Japan External Trade Organization – JETRO (link)
- Japan Oil and Gas and Metals Corporation – JOGMEC (link)
- Japan Overseas Infrastructure Investment Corporation for Transport & Urban Development – JOIN (link)
- Japan Overseas railway Association –JORSA (link)
- Nippon Export & Investment Insurance – NEXI (link)