I. Procedure in Argentina
Media journalists and / or audiovisual producers who wish to enter the country with temporary equipment must follow a procedure in compliance to the Application Rules that conform to the General Import and Exportation Baggage Regime, Resolution DGA 3751/94 Annex IV ( Categories and Franchises) Point 3 "PARTICULARS", Inc J).
The Customs General Directorate requires for the TEMPORARY ADMISSION OF AUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENT to submit FORM 1860 A and / or having a guarantor with address in the Republic, depending on the case, in compliance to the Norms mentioned in the previous point.
All documentation requested by Customs can be found on the AFIP website: www.afip.gob.ar
FORM 1860 A: https://serviciosweb.afip.gob.ar/genericos/formularios/formulariosVerMai...
II. Procedure at the Argentine Embassy in Tokyo
In addition to the procedure described in point I, the following complementary procedure must be carried out at the Argentine Embassy in Tokyo, only for the purpose of information.
1. At least two weeks prior to the arrival date into Argentina, send an e-mail to the Tourism Section of the Embassy (sectur_ejapo@mrecic.gov.ar), in Spanish or English, attaching the following documents, with letterhead:
(A) Note letter requesting to facilitate the admission of audiovisual equipment, explaining the purpose of the trip. NOTE SAMPLE
(B) List of crew members
• Full name (s) and surnames (as they appear in the passport)
• Nationality
• Passport number
• Profession
• Name, email and mobile number of the coordinator (if there is one)
(C) Copies of crew members´ passports (with no exception)
(D) Schedule:
• Airline, Flight numbers
• Place and date of entry / exit, destination in Argentina, shooting locations
(E) List of audiovisual equipment:
• Item
• Brand
• Country of origin
• Serial number
• Estimated value
2. Request an interview at the Embassy
Interview with the program director or responsible person. The purpose is to improve the understanding of the project, in addition to offering information about Argentina.
The Embassy will transmit the information to the Press Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Argentina, which in turn will communicate it by note to Customs. Subsequently, the Embassy will send a copy of the note to the program´s production.
For more information:
Embassy of the Argentine Republic in Tokyo
Tourism Section Tel 03 5420 7101 Email: sectur_ejapo@mrecic.gov.ar
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